3 pacchetti preconfigurati a livello di abilità
Per una maggiore comodità, il Waydoo Flyer Evo offre tre pacchetti preconfigurati su misura per diversi livelli di abilità: principiante, intermedio e padrone. Questi pacchetti semplificano il processo di selezione per i ciclisti fornendo opzioni che si allineano con la loro competenza con efoiling. Mentre ogni pacchetto è preimpostato in base a livelli di abilità specifici, i ciclisti hanno ancora la flessibilità di personalizzare i singoli moduli in base alle loro preferenze.

Evo Max Plus
Da € 6999,00

Evo Pro Plus
Da € 6499,00

Evo Master Plus
Da € 7999,00
Più velocità, potenza e resistenza

Maximal Speed

Maximal Output Power

Maximal Battery Life

Ideal Rider Weight

The Flyer EVO's boards (Plus series) integrate multiple sensors and GPS, enabling Flight Assistance System for an enhanced eFoiling experience. The board’s nose incorporates a handle, expansion dock, and plaque. The handle improves comfort during a prone position. The expansion dock allows for mounting various accessories, enriching your eFoiling experience. The plaque can be used to affix registration or personalized labels (ensure these do not contain metal to avoid signal interference). The board's tail includes pre-installed mounting holes for the Mover towing wheels or other custom equipment. Boards like the Max Plus and Pro/Pro Plus are made from EPP, reducing impact risks and ensuring safety and ease of maintenance. For those prioritizing lightweight and style, choose the Master Plus board, which is crafted from premium Kevlar.

L'albero EVO presenta luci a LED multicolore integrate che puoi personalizzare con il telecomando. Scegli tra varie modalità e colori per creare una straordinaria esperienza visiva. Brilla luminosa e fai una dichiarazione sull'acqua come ultimo trendsetter!

27 "albero
Adatto ai ciclisti alle prime armi che cercano stabilità e facilità di controllo.

31 "Mast Carbon
Costruzione a fibra di carbonio completa per un peso minimo e intaglio liscio, offrendo ai ciclisti l'esperienza efoiling più agile.

35 "albero
Adatto a ciclisti esperti che cercano manovrabilità più elevata e altezza del volo. L'albero EVO presenta luci a LED multicolore integrate che puoi personalizzare con il telecomando. Scegli tra varie modalità e colori per creare una straordinaria esperienza visiva. Brilla luminosa e fai una dichiarazione sull'acqua come ultimo trendsetter!
Wing Options
Voyager G1500/C1500

Slow speed and high stability, suitable for beginner riders practicing carving and wave-riding techniques in calm waters and small waves.
Glider G1500/C1500

The area is close to the Voyager 1500, with lower resistance to further boost flight efficiency. Carefully designed dihedral ensures stability in straight flight and better turn controllability, which is ideal for long-distance eFoiling.
Voyager G1100/C1100

Compact in size, suitable for advanced riders. Offers high maneuverability and sufficient stability, with enhanced linear flight and responsive turning feedback.

Smarter, Safer, and Faster

Integrated screen: real-time battery status.
The industry-first integrated LCD screen provides real-time information, such as battery level, charging status, and operational warnings at a glance, offering a significant upgrade over traditional indicator lights.

Powerflight Charger / Powerflight Inverter Charger
The Waydoo Flyer EVO offers two chargers with different power capacities. The 600W charger is lightweight and portable, ensuring convenience for on-the-go charging. Meanwhile, the 1500W inverter charger, when paired with the Powerflight battery, serves as a power source for other devices. Notably, it allows users to customize AC output voltage and frequency, providing flexibility in power management.
Transform Your Ride with Abundant Add-On Parts

The Mover, a versatile set of wheels compatible with 130L and 90L boards. Designed with fat and durable wheels, it's perfect for navigating sandy and rough terrain, making transporting your Flyer EVO effortless.

Scooter Kit
Transform your eFoiling experience with the EVO Scooter Kit, which introduces a scooter form to your 130L and 90L boards. This kit comes with a handlebar that easily attaches to the board’s nose, providing exceptional stability and control.